Going on This Month - July 2024

Updated June 29, 2024

     Communion Sunday July 7

     Fellowship Potluck Lunch:  Sun., July 14 following service
     Third Sunday Threads Sewing Group:  Sun., July 21

        If you plan to join, please contact Kim McCoy or Chris Tritschler and share your interests.

     Craft Ministry:  Off for the Summer.  However, Kim and Chris will be around from 10 AM - Noon on             Tuesdays, if interested in joining them.

     Vacation Bible School: July 15 - 19,  6 - 8:30 PM.  Check out the flyer on the Homepage!!!


     Additional Announcements

  • Altar Flowers:  The 2024 calendar for reserving altar flowers for worship service is on the bulletin board in the main hall.  The cost is $40.  Please see Martha Seymour for forms.
  • Tech Team:  If you would like to be part of our tech team, your help would be greatly appreciated!​​​​
  • Joys and Concerns:  Please send your joys and concerns to Pastor Scott via email, text, phone.​  If you are not on our email distribution list and would like to be, please email Pastor Scott:  pastormeeker@gmail.com​
  • 2024 Offering Envelopes are available.  See Joan Fisher or Danny Stacy if you would like an assigned box set.


Use your Kroger Shopper's Card - Support Zion CMC!

Here’s how to enroll:

  • Visit KrogerCommunityRewards.com
  • Sign in to your online account, or create an account
  • Find and select our organization (Zion Community Methodist Church;  Organization Number: NS622), and click “Save”.

You’ll keep earning your rewards (fuel points) and Zion CMC will receive donations from Kroger.

Zion Community Methodist Church

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ


Rev. Scott D. Meeker